Surplus & Excess Insurance

Contact us today to learn how we can provide solutions for your business needs.

Excess & Catastrophic Insurance

Kocher Insurance Group can bring years of experience to your business. Whether it is our work as underwriters with Lloyds of London, Royal Insurance and Hartford Insurance, or our 15+ years as brokers, we have extensive experience in building large Excess Programs for businesses located around the United States. This experience includes developing wind programs for coastal locations, earthquake and flood programs as well as managing all of the needs of multi-location property schedules. We work with all major insurance companies as well as all sizes of risks.

Shock losses and natural disasters have the potential to close a business quickly and permanently.

Whether it is foreseen or unforeseen, Kocher Insurance Group has the experience and the markets to construct the most complete insurance solutions.

Get a quote for your business insurance needs for potential catastrophic, excess, and surplus.

At KIG, we are eager to work personally with you and offer our years of experience and approach. We believe that to exceed your expectations, we need to provide unique solutions for your business. We do this with a client centered approach and actively seek to improve the expertise and value that we bring to you.

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